WELCOME – Retreat for Women

WELCOME Retreat for Women (Formerly Christ Renews His Parish) WELCOME is a unique weekend retreat experience designed to deepen Christian faith and bring women of the parish together in Christ.…

Advent Retreat Day

Our Annual Advent Retreat will be held on Saturday, December 9, 2023.  Join us! Doors open at 8:30 a.m. and the event begins at 9 a.m. and closes around Noon.…

Advent Tea

Join us for Advent Tea as we usher in the season of Advent, enjoy each other’s company and ponder the wonder of the Divine revealed in the daily. This event…

WELCOME Retreats

A special invitation to all men and women! You deserve a gift! There is no better gift than deepening your relationship with Jesus. It changes your life for the better…

Women’s Wednesday

Women’s Wednesdays are an opportunity for Catholic Women of all ages to hear inspiring, thought provoking and affirming talks on topics related to women’s spirituality. Come enjoy a relaxing and…

Women’s Ministry Book Club

Join us as we read and reflect upon one great Catholic book a month. Some books will inspire us, some selections will challenge us to live our faith as believing…