Stewardship – A Core Value

Stewardship is at its core an attitude of gratitude for God’s blessings in creating us with our own talents and abilities as well as the many material blessings that are entrusted to our care. I know that each year my circumstances change. With our annual renewal process, each year it gives me a chance to review my own commitments of time, talent, and treasure within the parish and also the larger community. I hope that you will also take this opportunity to consider how God may be calling you to renew a commitment or to consider a new way to be involved in the life of our parish family.

-Father Bill Hammer

Annual Pledge Drive

Our Stewardship Renewal officially begins near the end of October each year.

For our 2024 Stewardship Initiative:

1st weekend— Pastor’s Stewardship Talk (Oct. 28/29)

2nd weekend— State of the Parish Report (Nov. 4/5)

3rd weekend—Commitment Sunday—Ceremonial offering of completed Stewardship Cards at the Offertory of the Mass. (Nov. 11/12)

Stewardship pledges returned during this time are for the upcoming calendar year.

Interested in joining the Parish?

An active, participating parish member is one who regularly participates in the liturgical life of the parish; who is committed to Stewardship of Time, Talent and Treasure as witnessed by completing the annual Stewardship Cards, and the Membership Enrollment Form, and who lives up to his/her commitment. If you wish to join the parish, or you are a current member and have a change of address, e-mail, or phone number, contact the Parish Office at 426-1588.

Step by Step – SMM Student Stewardship Program

The Step by Step Student Stewardship program is designed to teach our students at SMM that no one is too young to make a difference. Students will learn about our call to stewardship and the Christian way of life.

Step by Step is run by parent and grandparent volunteers who work in conjunction with the teachers and the parish to reinforce the idea of stewardship. Volunteers begin each year educating students about stewardship and the needs within our community. After conducting a meeting with the students, the volunteers plan the service project or projects for the year. Many of these projects have been implemented over the past several years and are now simply duplicated or new ideas can be introduced.

Each grade has its own focus for volunteering their time. The idea behind the various focuses is to expose our students to as many volunteer opportunities as possible while they are students at SMM. Volunteers help coordinate a service project within each focus area.

Everyone is encouraged to participate in this worthwhile committee. Parents spend time meeting with the students and organizing the chosen activities. For more information about the program or to be involved in its success, please use one of the following contacts:

Katie Burch


Amy Craft


Kindergarten—Introduction to Stewardship (past activity included visiting Ronald McDonald House)

First Grade—Feed the Hungry (past activity included visiting Dare to Care, sorting food donations for parish Thanksgiving collection and delivering food for Kentucky Harvest.)

Second Grade—Care for God’s Creation (past activity included Marker Collection, Parish Grounds Committee, Big Leaf Cleanup.)

Third Grade—Care for People with Disabilities (past activity included visiting St. Mary’s Center and Special Olympics.)

Fourth Grade—Visit Sick and Elderly (past activity included visiting Everland Senior Living and helping with senior Valentines Day party.)

Fifth Grade—Caring for Babies, Children and Moms (past activity included visiting St. Vincent DePaul’s Family Success Center and Blessings in a Backpack.)

Sixth Grade—Shelter the Homeless (past activity included working with My Dog Eats First and the Burrito Riders of Louisville.)

Seventh Grade—Shelter the Homeless and Welcome the Stranger (past activity included visiting Refugee services with Catholic Charities and serving lunch at the Franciscan Kitchen.)

Eighth Grade—Students work toward Confirmation hours through service of their choosing as opportunities arise throughout the school year.