God’s Housekeepers

This committee gathers monthly to clean the church. These men and women help take care of our worship area. Time Commitment: 1 1/2 hours, 3 times a year.

Plant Care

Watering and caring for the church plants. Time Commitment: 1 hour (once per week).

Hand Bell Choir

Adult Handbells rehearse Thursdays 6:45-8:00 p.m., September through April. Handbells play at two Masses approximately every month.

Baptism Set-Up

Set up for Sunday Baptism involves assembling towels, candles, bibs/white cloth, tray of oils, cotton, and lighting the Paschal Candle. This individual assists the ministers during the baptism and returns…

Eucharistic Adoration Coverage

This ministry provides necessary hourly coverage during Eucharistic Adoration times. Eucharistic Adoration occurs Wednesday evenings from 6:30-7:30 p.m. and Thursday afternoons from 1:00-2:00 p.m. (Thursday Adoration is lengthened during Advent…

Event Childcare Committee

Provide childcare for special events and programming. Time Commitment: Varies depending on the event. No meetings. All volunteers must have a Safe Environment training class from the Archdiocese, as well…

Parish Picnic

2021 PARISH SUMMER PICNIC Saturday, August 7th  |  4:00 – 10:00 p.m. The Parish Picnic this year is ONE NIGHT on Saturday, August 7th. All proceeds from the picnic go…

God’s Housekeepers

This committee gathers monthly to clean the church. These men and women help take care of our worship area. Time Commitment: 1 1/2 hours, 3 times a year.

Finance Committee

This Committee assists the Business Manager and Parish Council in carrying out the financial business of the parish. Duties include analyzing the parish financial statements, monitoring the parish cash flow,…

Grounds & Facilities

This committee is a group of parishioners that helps to keep our grounds and facilities looking great! They work closely with the maintenance staff to assess the needs and assist…