VENTUS – May 1 @ 7pm “We do not pretend that life is all beauty. We are aware of darkness and sin, of poverty and pain. But we know Jesus has conquered sin and passed through his own pain to the glory of the Resurrection. And we live in the light of his Paschal Mystery – the mystery of his Death and Resurrection. ‘We are an Easter People and Alleluia is our song!’” – St. John Paul II Click here to access recordings. GOSPEL ACCLAMATION VERSES: If you have any difficulty understanding how to read/sing the Gospel Acclamation Verses for each week, just let me know and I’ll be happy to explain it. I will provide PDFs and recordings for each week here.
Apr 30 @ 12pm Apr 28 @ 10am w/ SMM Singers Musicians who sing or accompany music during the funeral Mass. I can’t tell you how many times families have thanked me for the choir being present (even if only three of our choir members could attend! Your voice of support matters and sung prayers are needed during the liturgy). VENTUS Fellowship to follow in Hospitality Room CLICK HERE FOR CANTOR/ACCOMPANIST SCHEDULE MAY-JULY Cantor Shelf Hymnals: Journeysongs; Gather 4; Gather 3, Choose Christ, Spirit & Song, Breaking Bread I try my best to maintain a printed copy of any sheet music not in those resources in the binder in the piano bench. If you made it this far in the newsletter, send Holly a picture of your favorite cartoon character to make her smile. She’ll stop whatever she is doing and offer a up a “Glory Be” in thanksgiving for all the wondrous things God has done.
Mother’s Day Blessing – May 12 @ All Masses
Special Disciples of Jesus Mass – May 19 @ 3pm
All our SMM Parishioners who have passed.MONTHLY PRAYER
May 14 @ Sat 5pm w/ SuperNOVA
May 21 @ 8am & 10am
May 28 @ 10amSuperNOVA SCHEDULE
To join the Resurrection Choir email list, contact Dr. Holly WEEKEND MASS ENSEMBLE MASSES
May 26 @ 10am
June 2 @ 10am
June 30 @ 10am
July 21 @ 10am
In the back room behind the organ I have the following resources available:
Keyboard Cabinet: Journeysongs; Gather 4; Gather 3; Green Gather; Choose Christ; Spirit & Song; Lead Me, Guide Me; Breaking Bread
Guitar/Instrumentalist Cabinet: Journeysongs Guitar; Journeysongs Instrumental; Gather 4 C Instrument; Choose Christ Guitar; Spirit & Song Guitar
There is always a copy of every song for the liturgy prepare in the cantor binder. I’m always willing to provide printed copies of music in advance, but I need at least 48 hours notice in the rare case I am not around when you ask.
May Newsletter

For the repose of souls of the Departed. May the Lord grant comfort for those who grieve them.
St. Margaret Mary, pray for us.
St. Cecilia, pray for us.
St. Hildegard, pray for us.
All Holy Men and Women, pray for us.
We return to the Mass of St. Margaret Mary for Ordinary Time. PLEASE NOTE: For Holy Trinity & Corpus Christi, we will stay with the Mass of St Ann Gloria as it is more celebratory and will be familiar for these Solemnities.
Off until September