Saint Margaret Mary Parish


     Mission Statement

To be disciples who know, love and serve God.

Vision Statement

As Disciples of Christ in the Roman Catholic Tradition, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Community inspires deeper relationships with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, education and service.

Goal Statement

As disciples we commit…..

To ignite an evangelical spirit that awakens our faith.

To passionately empower relationships with Christ and each other.

To compel discovery of Christ’s gifts.

To enthusiastically be a witness to our Catholic faith and traditions. 

This Week’s Bulletin

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Get Involved

Grounds & Facilities

This committee is a group of parishioners that helps to keep our grounds and facilities looking great! They work closely…

Event Childcare Committee

Provide childcare for special events and programming. Time Commitment: Varies depending on the event. No meetings. All volunteers must have…

Step by Step

Become a Step-by-Step CoordinatorStep-by-Step (SBS) offers children in the Parish Religious Ed Program and St. Margaret Mary School in grades…

Catholic Life Issues

This group promotes the sacredness and goodness of human life by following the groundwork of Catholic Social Teaching from conception…

Children’s Christmas Celebration

This celebration helps our parish children to share the story of Christ's birth. Volunteer opportunities are available for all ages:…

Pastoral Care Classes

*Training Program for Pastoral Care to the Sick Have you ever considered becoming more active in ministering to the sick…