Saint Margaret Mary Parish


     Mission Statement

To be disciples who know, love and serve God.

Vision Statement

As Disciples of Christ in the Roman Catholic Tradition, St. Margaret Mary Catholic Community inspires deeper relationships with Jesus Christ through prayer, formation, education and service.

Goal Statement

As disciples we commit…..

To ignite an evangelical spirit that awakens our faith.

To passionately empower relationships with Christ and each other.

To compel discovery of Christ’s gifts.

To enthusiastically be a witness to our Catholic faith and traditions. 

This Week’s Bulletin

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Service with your Sweetie

Service with Your Sweetie combines volunteering with Date Night by giving couples access to fun and rewarding service experiences in…

Grace Within

Grace Within is an 8-week program for women of all ages and all stages of life, who want to grow…

Vacation Bible School

SMM Catholic Community invites children to join us for “Stellar” Vacation Bible School – Where Jesus’ Light Shines! CONTACT: Tara…

Homebound Visitation

Volunteers visit fellow parish members who are confined to their homes, take Holy Communion to them, and just share time…

Sunday School

Sunday School welcomes all children ages 3-Kindergarten to learn about God’s love for them while singing songs and creating crafts…

Safety and Security Committee

The Safety Team Ministry serves as an emergency operations team to create a safer and protective environment for all who…

Single Mom’s Club

This ministry seeks to support single moms and welcomes those that are unmarried, separated, divorced, or widowed. The group will…