In addition to continuing our K-8 PREP classes & newly introduced Tiny Tikes program this past year, we are excited to offer a new class within our Sunday morning PREP, where all children, regardless of their learning styles, abilities or special needs are invited to come for formation in the faith. Children learn in a variety of ways and not all learning styles/situations are conducive to a typical classroom structure. This new option, “Adaptive Finding God-Our Response to God’s Gifts for Children with Special Needs” by Loyola Press, will focus on developing their capacity to live the Gospel and be living witnesses to the faith. Children with special needs can learn with multisensory tools, manipulatives and a creative approach to meet their unique learning needs! This class meets Sunday Mornings during PREP (11:30 AM – 12:35 PM). If you feel that an Adaptive Program would be beneficial to your family or to a loved one, please have them contact Tara Mattingly for more information.