Prayer Blankets are made by a wonderful group of women who have formed the Prayer Blanket Ministry. This committee works together to sew, knit, and crochet blankets for those who are suffering illness and /or loss. The prayer blankets are given to those in the St. Margaret Mary community or to friends and families of those in the parish. Feel free to stop by the Parish Office during regular business hours and pick one up for a loved one. Prayer Blankets are made by a wonderful group of women who have formed the Prayer Blanket Ministry. This committee works together to sew, knit, and crochet blankets for those who are suffering illness and /or loss. The prayer blankets are given to those in the St. Margaret Mary community or to friends and families of those in the parish. Feel free to stop by the Parish Office during regular business hours and pick one up for a loved one.
Prayer Blankets
Denise Ruiz
Pastoral Care Coordinator
502-426-1588 x126
Volunteer Contact
Cyndi Bent