*Available to watch anytime after 5:00 p.m. today*
Dear St. Margaret Mary Family Members,
The lack of access to Mass is a major burden for many of us, but with the help of technology we were able to record me offering Mass with the Sunday readings. You may watch it by clicking the image above or button below, through the parish website, Facebook, or click here.
We have been opening up the church everyday for personal visits during the daytime, which is an opportunity for personal prayer or even personal devotions. However, during our live-stream of weekday Mass from 10-10:30 a.m. and 2:00-3:00 p.m. the church remains closed and locked.
Please be attentive to our emails as they continue to respond to changes and updates we are receiving.
Let us keep each other in prayer, and be especially attentive to those we know who are in need.