Mary, Mother of God – Dec 31/Jan 1
Epiphany – Jan 7/8
Music Ministry Christmas Dinner & Potluck – Jan 10th @ 6pm
Ordinary Time begins Jan 9th
VENTUS rescheduled in January – Jan 11th
Special Disciples Mass Jan 15th @ 3pm
Holy Hour for Life Jan 22nd @ 1pm
Darlene Hurd
All our SMM Parishioners who have passed in December.
Monthly Prayer
O Lord, I pray that the music I make or the songs that I sing are always from my heart to You. I pray that as we sing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs, we genuinely dedicate each melody to You. I pray that I always give You thanks for all things, in Jesus’ Name. I thank You for this talent You have given me, I choose to give it back to You by using it to glorify Your Name, Amen.
Mass Setting for Christmas Season
As we prepare for Christmas we will use the Mass of St Anne by Ed Bolduc and the Christmastime Alleluia by James Chepponis. Click here to access recordings.
NOTE: This is the same Mass setting we used for the Easter Season.
We will return to the Mass of Spirit & Grace by Fr. Ricky Manalo for Ordinary Time.

SMM Singers Masses
December 24/25th @ 12am – Christmas Eve – Prelude @ 11:30pm
January 8 @ 10am – Epiphany
January 22 @ 8am – Ordinary Time 3A
SuperNOVA Masses
December 24 @ 5pm – Christmas Eve
January 28 @ 5pm – Ordinary Time 4A
To join the Resurrection Choir email list, contact Dr. Holly
Musicians who sing or accompany music during the funeral Mass. I can’t tell you how many times families have thanked me for the choir being present (even if only three of our choir members could attend! Your voice of support matters and sung prayers are needed during the liturgy).
Modern Music Ensemble
January 11th
Adoration begins @ 6:30pm
Confession & Advent Music begins @ 7pm
Benediction @ 8pm
Fellowship to follow in Hospitality Room
Click here for Christmas Season Cantor Newsletter
The new Living Liturgy 2023 for Music Minister prayer books are in and can be picked up in the music room behind the organ.
We will typically use the metered version of the LaRosa psalms, unless otherwise noted on the music plans. Also, some of her psalms have a sung “coda/ending”, which can be omitted…our practice will be to end the refrain as it is sung throughout the Responsorial Psalm, no extra phrases added.
If you’ve previously downloaded Psalm 51, 98, 103… you might check out the updated versions I have in the Google Drive folder. Formatting corrections have been made.
We have had a couple of power surges recently, taking down the microphone sound system. I have plugged the sound board into a power supply, which should prevent it from shutting down. However, if it does shut down, I’ve included rebooting instructions on the Cantor/Accompanist Powerpoint & Sound Setup sheet, located in the cantor binder and the piano bench.
In the back room behind the organ I have the following resources available:
Keyboard Cabinet: Journeysongs; Gather 4; Gather 3; Green Gather; Choose Christ
Guitar/Instrumentalist Cabinet: Journeysongs Guitar; Journeysongs Instrumental; Gather 4 C Instrument; Choose Christ Guitar
I try my best to maintain a printed copy of any sheet music not in those resources in the binder in the piano bench.
There is always a copy of every song for the liturgy prepare in the cantor binder. I’m always willing to provide printed copies of music in advance, but I need at least 48 hours notice in the rare case I am not around when you ask.
If you made it this far in the newsletter, send Holly a cute picture of a duck to make her smile. She’ll stop whatever she is doing and offer a up a “Glory Be” in thanksgiving for all the wondrous things God has done.
Save the date for our Music Ministry Christmas Dinner, Tuesday, January 10th @ 6pm in the Hospitality Room. Spouses and family are welcome, please let me know how many will be attending!
Click here to RSVP and signup to bring a dish.
Are you a high school youth who will have completed 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade as of this summer? Are you looking for ways to grow your leadership skills and learn how to serve the Church in various liturgical ways? If so, I want to invite you to attend One Bread, One Cup this summer.
One Bread, One Cup is a five-day liturgical leadership conference focusing on the Word, Sacrament and Mission of the Roman Catholic Church for high school youth groups and their campus and youth ministers. Conferences focus on community building, leadership development, catechesis, liturgical and spiritual formation, and theological reflection. High school youth participants must have completed 9th, 10th, 11th, or 12th grade.
The total cost is $550. There are two different summer sessions available: June 12-16, 2023 (Conference 1) and June 26-30, 2023 (Conference 2).*
For more information from St. Meinrad’s website about OBOC, visit: https://www.saintmeinrad.edu/youth/summer-conferences/.
If you are ready to take a leap of faith or and say yes to this incredible week then email Mrs. Ledgerwood and we will coordinate your attendance to the Conference. eledgerwood@stmm.org
Updated Music Ministry 2022-2023 Calendar